The Bank of Finland Board adopted in autumn 2021 a common management vision for the Bank of Finland and the Financial Supervisory Authority. The new management vision represents a common view of management and lays the foundation for management development while also guiding everyday management work.

The management vision is vital for ensuring a consistent management culture and updating working practices. It will support the achievement of our strategic objectives, good staff performance and the wellbeing of the workplace community.

Key content of the management vision

1. We show the way and achieve our objectives

All members of staff know our strategic objectives and both individually and in teams work to achieve them. Practical management involves guiding the staff towards these objectives via commonly agreed goals. For each member of our staff, we create the opportunity to succeed.

All members of staff work responsibly and make economical and efficient use of the resources they are allocated.

2. We inspire and renew

Through our management work, staff are inspired and motivated to good performance via their recognised strengths and successes.

In our management processes we recognise the need and appropriate means for constant learning and set aside sufficient time for learning. We encourage our staff to develop their own competences and communicate expertise across organisational boundaries.

We provide every member of staff with both healthy and safe working conditions and take care of staff wellbeing.

Staff wellbeing is a workplace’s most important resource and a prerequisite for productive activity. Staff wellbeing and meaningful work are also competitive advantages in our employer profile and in ensuring our ability to attract prospective employees.

3. We grow as leaders

In our management work and throughout the workplace community we set our sights high. This means faith in the possibility of change and that all members of staff can develop their skills and are keen to overcome the challenges they will face.

Management and all members of staff play a role, through their actions, in building a psychologically safe workplace. Everyone feels they are accepted and valued for who they are and that they are free to express themselves.

Key factors in maintaining a psychologically safe workplace culture include the practical everyday actions of management, a focus on shared values and the efforts of individuals to set an example.

When psychological safety is secured, this will enhance the ability of teams to function effectively and will improve the sharing of information and knowledge, learning, job satisfaction, performance and creativity.

4. We succeed together

We seek to achieve our common objectives through cooperation in both internal and external networks. Through their own actions, all members of staff also help their colleagues to succeed.

We develop our own networks and participate in them actively. The role of a leader is to remove obstacles to working together and provide opportunities for constructive cooperation.