EUR million 31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020
1 Gold and gold receivables 2,537 2,434
2 Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 12,180 8,461
Receivables from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 5,016 1,973
Balances with banks and security investments, external loans and other external assets 7,164 6,488
3 Claims on euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 360 295
4 Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in euro
5 Lending to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro 36,113 21,779
6 Other claims on euro area credit institutions denominated in euro 0 0
7 Securities of euro area residents denominated in euro 90,001 65,657
Securities held for monetary policy purposes 89,825 65,477
Other securities 176 180
8 Intra-Eurosystem claims 33,983 56,871
Participating interest in ECB 177 165
Claims equivalent to the transfer of foreign reserves 741 741
Net claims related to the allocation of euro banknotes within the Eurosystem 8,263 6,872
Other claims within the Eurosystem (net) 24,802 49,093
9 Other assets 608 625
Coins of euro area 38 45
Tangible and intangible fixed assets 92 101
Other current assets 34 35
Sundry 444 445
Total assets 175,782 156,121
Totals/sub-totals may not add up due to rounding.
EUR million 31 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2020
1 Banknotes in circulation 26,100 24,243
2 Liabilities to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro 124,607 110,864
Current accounts (covering the minimum reserve system) 101,054 89,190
Deposit facility 23,553 21,674
3 Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions denominated in euro 306
4 Liabilities to other euro area residents denominated in euro 2,708 5,608
5 Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in euro 5,388 2,743
6 Liabilities to euro area residents denominated in foreign currency
7 Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency
8 Counterpart of special drawing rights allocated by the IMF 4,326 1,402
9 Intra-Eurosystem liabilities
10 Other liabilities 448 133
11 Revaluation accounts 3,623 2,876
12 Provisions 5,309 5,237
13 Capital and reserves 2,915 2,873
Primary capital 841 841
Reserve fund 2,074 2,032
14 Profit for the financial year 52 142
Total liabilities 175,782 156,121