Influence and cooperation
The Bank of Finland’s influence is based on expertise and research. The Bank’s research activities focus on the macro economy and financial markets and, in particular, on Russia and China. The Bank’s analyses are objective and independent, even when they express a position on domestic and global economic issues. The Bank’s communications are transparent, a key aim being to improve the financial literacy of the general public.
The Bank of Finland’s analyses and forecasts for the domestic and global economies provide tools for projecting and monitoring economic developments. They are also a valuable data source for the media and members of the public interested in economic issues.
Vigorous, high-quality research at the Bank of Finland supports the Bank in monetary policy preparation and conduct of macroprudential policy tasks.
The Bank of Finland participates in the work of various international organisations and institutions and cooperates closely with the national central banks of other countries.
Finland’s economy grew in 2018
The Finnish economy has now been growing for about three years, after a protracted period of weak economic developments. The Bank of Finland estimates, however, that growth will remain more moderate than prior to the financial crisis. Employment has increased at a brisk pace, but the conditions for raising the participation rate still need further improvement. It is also essential to take care of competitiveness.
The Bank of Finland communicates with all citizens
Demand for reliable financial information has increased following the financial crisis. The Bank of Finland pursues an active dialogue on key economic issues in various fora. For example, regional visits by the Bank’s Board members and experts, educational cooperation and new digital communication channels are important tools in the Bank’s interaction with the general public.